知の好循環 × 人材の好循環 × 資金の好循環 Good cycle


The Institute’s Activities

Turn projects into businesses by building teams with the university’s creative-thinking and passionate academics for putting the ground-breaking university’s seeds to practical use, and by managing research and development.

Manage studies conducted in collaboration with businesses.

The Open Innovation Institute has Project Creative Managers (hereunder Project CMs) with corporate experience who intensively manage projects, including making proposals and adjustments, by serving as a mediator between the university/academics and businesses. Having the Project CMs take the academics’ place as the key contact person in liaising with several university departments and companies eliminates the burden on the scholars and their need to manage the projects. The Project CMs also provide prompt and immediate customized support for joint research projects by strengthening the support system for legal affairs and intellectual properties. They also actively approach businesses, including submitting proposals for cross-departmental joint studies, such as combining the university’s seeds from different disciplines, in partnership with the Office of Society Academia Collaboration for Innovation Work and Kyoto University Group companies.

Dedicated Project CMs provide support

Dedicated Project CMs provide overall support for joint studies with businesses. They gather information from various University departments and Kyoto University group companies, interview academics, analyze the markets, conduct intellectual property searches, and find out what businesses need, search for the university’s promising seeds, and plan and arrange joint studies. Having the Project CMs involved from the planning stages of joint studies enables them to formulate intellectual property strategies early on, share more lucid visions from the start of the project, including creating a development roadmap, and provide support for research and intellectual property planning with eyes on the future. Dedicated Project CMs also serve as the sole contact and coordinator between academics and businesses as they conduct thorough interviews of scholars and hold discussions to negotiate with companies in ways that reflect the will of the academics.

Run the organization responsibly as a leading center (special district) of academic-industrial alliances.

Under the provost’s initiative, the director serves as the head of the Institute to run the organization responsibly as a leading center (special district) of academic-industrial alliances, as well as firmly advance university reforms.

Organization chart